Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Welcome to Antwerp

Well, I never thought I'd be a blogger, but I figured this would be the best way to let the most people know what Eric and I are up to these days. So, here goes.....

About mid-October we dedided to take advantage of an opportunity to work in Belgium for a while, Antwerp to be exact. So we came for about 9 days at the beginning of November to check it out and now (after many bumps in the road) we're here more permanently. I say "permanently", but (in true Garvin fashion) we really don't know for how long we'll be here. Could be 6 months, could be longer. Eric is working on a project for Janssen (a division of Johnson&Johnson) and we're committed for 6 months, but we'll keep you posted.

And now, along with attempting to navigate a Belgian grocery store, get a working cellphone, successfully start the washing machine, microwave, and shower!!, I'm also venturing into the world of Blogging! So we'll see how this goes. I hope to post our fun adventures, mishaps, and new experiences along with some pictures and (hopefully) video to give you all a taste of our life abroad. Ok, I am now going to test this out..... more later.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Nice job with your first post. I do hope that you are able to keep us all posted on your many new adventures. My latest adventure was a baby poop explosion at the mall yesterday. Hope yours is better! Love you!