Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lagging Behind

Well, I'm behind on my blogging. I've been sick and not felt up to a big blog update. I've been staying busy with AWCA activities and preparing for my parents' visit. I went to Venice, Italy last week with several women from the club, and I need to post about that for you guys too. This past weekend we did a little shopping in Rotterdam and layed low. We have lots of trips coming up during my parents' visit so we wanted to take it easy. I did take one picture in Rotterdam I thought you guys would find interesting.

This is a "coffee shop". From the looks of it they offer more than just coffee. We didn't go in, but I'm assuming that little green leaf is also on the menu. Maybe I'll investigate further when Eric's cousins come to visit in May. We'll be doing several days in Amsterdam then.

We also have Oscar again this week while Stephanie and Mike are back in the States wrapping up some wedding planning. He's still cracking us up. Today we took a nap together on the couch since I'm a little under the weather. I think Oscar was having an intense dream because I woke up to him quietly barking in his sleep! Could it be he was remembering that big hunk of bacon he scored the other weekend? Eric is such a pushover.

The other day when we came home I couldn't find him anywhere. I started to get worried and then I realized he was snoozing in one of the living room chairs. I don't know how he got up there. He's short and has a bad back so I didn't think he could make the jump up. I guess I was wrong.

Another quirk of Oscar's is that he will only eat if you are at home with him. And he doesn't like to eat out of his bowl. He likes to dump his food out first then eat it off the floor. Usually he dumps it in a small pile beside the bowl. But more recently he's decided that he'd rather dump it out in a long string spanning the length of the entire living room. So this is what meal time looks like:

Tomorrow we head to Berlin for the Easter weekend. We get back Monday night and my parents arrive Tuesday afternoon. I'm sure I'll continue to lag behind since we'll be doing so much with them. I'll try. Maybe I should lower my expectations and be okay with shorter posts for you guys. Hope everyone is well!


Anonymous said...

I love the cute dog stories! I just got back from Easter weekend in Ohio. Seamus/Amos stayed at my aunt and uncle's house where, as usual, he is being spoiled rotten. As in, they made him up a hamburger and put it on a plate on the floor for him! Dad will admit to sneaking him food, but this was a new low (or high, from the dog's perspective!) I look forward to more updates- though I assume they will come after your parents leave- say HI to them for me! I wish I could be there, too. Love you, Renee'

The Garvins said...

Oh my goodness! That's almost like going through the McDonald's drive-thru to buy him a hamburger while on a road trip! Who would ever do that?! Miss you!

Lisa Fortini said...

Happy Birthday, Eric! Can't wait to see new videos of how you're celebrating this milestone! As you raise your glass, know that you are in our thoughts. CHEERS! Love, Lisa and John