Thursday, February 14, 2008

Busy, Busy, Fun, Fun!

Hello, All! I should be better about blogging. It's okay to post something short. I don't have to stress over each word. (Just trying to convince myself.) I guess just the idea of each blog entry being archived and accessible for eternity to potentially any willing reader makes me feel like each entry must be so well thought out and, essentially, perfect. But, really, it's not such a big deal. Nevertheless, blogging brings out the perfectionist in me and the thought of creating a "perfect" entry often causes procrastination! Does anyone else find this to be true or is it just me?

Anyway, I've been keeping very busy. So busy, in fact, that I had to print out a monthly calendar to keep track of all my activities! I used to use my iphone, but since I can't use that here, I've been without a way to stay organized (i use that term loosly, of course). So, what pray tell, has been keeping me so busy? Well, mostly activities with the American Women's Club of Antwerp (AWCA) and the friends I've met through it. I found this club online before we moved here, and it has been a lifesaver! I've met some really great women and they have welcomed me into their group wholeheartedly. Yes, while my wonderful husband is slaving away at work, I'm off having new and fun adventures with a great group of gals!

Last week, I went shopping for a few days in Paris with Stephanie and Joanna. Joanna knew of good outlets just outside of Paris, so off we went. I had found nothing, and was feeling discouraged, when just before the shops were closing, I found two beautiful dresses. And even better, they were on MEGA-sale! The two dresses were originally just over 1000Euro, but I got both for 150Euro!! I'm sure some of you will be completely bored with this portion of the post, but if you know me at all, you can surely appreciate how exciting this was for me! Here's a picture of my finds:

I also bought two pairs of shoes. Fun, comfy ones: aren't they cute? ...and very Mel
And since I only brought winter shoes/boots when we came, I bought a pair of Spring shoes that can be dressed up or down (and they're SUPER comfy too):
I'm actually very proud of this purchase. I was able to overcome my ingrained tendency to buy 5 pairs of $20 so-so shoes and hold out for ONE pair of good, comfortable shoes. I try to replay Eric's voice in my head when I'm shopping: Quality, not quantity.

Anyway, it was a fun, productive girls' shopping trip and I was very happy to have been invited along. I didn't do a good job of taking pictures during the trip (I was focused on the mission at hand), but here's a picture of Stephanie and me (from a recent trip to Brussels for a tour):
She has been such a great friend already. She drives me to all the AWCA events, passes along useful Antwerp tips and restaurant suggestions, gets me out of the house, and, of course, invites me to Paris to shop! She's getting married in July, and it's been fun to tag along while she does some of her planning. And.... she may be moving to the Bay Area after the wedding. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I didn't get a picture of Joanna (sorry, Jo!), but she was a wonderful travel companion and so sweet!

I got back from Paris on Thursday, and Friday I went skiing in Holland with Nicole (another friend from the AWCA) and her kids. We went to SkiWorld, an indoor skiing facility, and it was pretty neat. Here's a picture of Nicole and me:
And here's one of Nicole and her kids, Hayden and Jillian:
And one of the slopes:
Nicole has been really great to me also - inviting me to coffee, letting me tag along on their ski day (I just realized I hadn't been skiing in 10 years!), and also inviting Eric and I out to dinner this past weekend. It was really nice for Eric to finally meet some of my friends and their husbands too.

Then, on Saturday, Eric and I went out for breakfast - Stephanie had told us about a place that serves omelets - and then walked around one of the weekend markets. Prior to this weekend, we hadn't made it out in Antwerp before about noon. So it was nice to see the hustle and bustle of the city on a weekend morning. We bought some flowers at the market and they've been cheering up our flat all week:

This week, I went to a jewelry party, we went out to dinner with my Chinese teacher, Kuan, and her husband, Kim, and I've been to the gym 3 times (so far). Tomorrow I'm meeting up with friends for afternoon tea (or wine, I think I'll choose the wine!). And we just found Domino's Pizza - my mouth is watering just thinking of the cheesy bread! This weekend we're going to drive through the scenic Ardennes Forest on our way to Luxembourg City.

Hope you're all well. Happy Valentine's Day!


Elizabeth said...

Great post! I can just picture you gallivanting around Europe with your new friends. I have to admit, I am more than a bit jealous of all the great places you are getting to spend time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see pictures of your European/American friends! And I love the clothes pics- reminds me of my penpal letters with Amylee years ago. And that indoor skiing arena is incredible. I'm so glad you are getting around and about!

Anonymous said...

I AM ALL CAUGHT UP! I am sad that it took me so long to finally read all of your blog - but now that I have I'm hooked! It's delightful to see and hear what's going on in your world. Now you must continue to feed me! It's not what we cover on the phone and I like to feel like I'm having a vicarious multicultural experience! I hope your weekend in Luxembourg gives you plenty more to write about! Love you...

Anonymous said...

First of all the shoes are just adorable!!!! And what a deal on the dresses!:). I also sufer from the perfectionis/procrastinating disease. My dad recently shared a quote that we refer now, refer to often, "The perfect, is the enemy of the good." In otherwards, most of the time the good is good enough and it doesn't happen because you want it to be perfect. Hope all is well. What's the future look like, are you guys going to be there this summer? I've started my training for Pamplona. Tell Eric to give me a call sometime.